2006 Training Schedule
Tue. the 10th - Forcible Entry
Tue. the 24th - Ventilation
Sat. the 28th - Power / Hand Tools
Tue. the 14th - Multi-Company Operations
Thu. the 16th - NYSAFC Seminar - Ress. Co
Tue. the 28th - Rope Rescue
Sat. the 25th - SCBA
Tue. the 14th - Rope Rescue
Tue. the 28rd - Large Area Search
Sat. the 25th - TBA
Tue. the 11th - Standpipe Operations
Tue. the 25th - Truck Company Operations
Sat. the 29th - Driver Operator Refresher
Tue. the 9th - Engine Company Operations Thur. the 18th - Drill with Queensbury Central
Tue. the 23rd - Multi Company Operations
Sat. the 27th - TBA
Tue. the 13th - Sprinkler Operations
Thu. the 15th - NYSAFC Annual Conference - Lake George
Tue. the 27th - Salvage
Sat. the 24th - TBA
Tue. the 11th - Rescue Company Operations (Extrication)
Tue. the 25th - Live Structural Fire Training (SCFTC) 
Apparatus will be leaving the station @ 18:00hrs
Sat. the 29th - Apparatus Maintenance
Tue. the 8th - Truck Company Operations
Tue. the 22nd - Elevator Rescue
Sat. the 26th - TBA
Tue. the 12th - Large Caliber Streams
Tue. the 26th - Flammable Liquids Fires
Sat. the 30th - Live Fire Training (Flamable Liquids) - SCFTC 
Tue. the 10th - Week #1 OFPC Truck Company Operations Tue. the 17th - Week #2 OFPC Truck Company Operations
Tue. the 24th - Week #3 OFPC Truck Company Operations
Sat. the 28th - Large Caliber Streams
Tue. the 31st - Week #4 OFPC Truck Company Operations
Tue. the 7th - Week #5 OFPC Truck Company Operations Tue. the 14th - Week #6 OFPC Truck Company Operations Sat. the 18th - TBA Tue. the 21st - Week #7 OFPC Truck Company Operations
Tue. the 28th - Week #8 OFPC Truck Company Operations
Tue. the 13th - Haz-Mat Ops - Refresher
Tue. the 27th - EMS / Radio Communications Refresher
Sat. the 16th - TBA