Below are the different categories of membership available, please choose the one that suits you best.
Attack Firefighter (AF): A full-duty firefighter
providing fire suppression, search and rescue, vehicle accident
extrication, hazardous materials control duties and engage in all other
emergency response operations of the Department. These members have no
physical limitations or duty restrictions. Extensive, but highly
rewarding training requirements exist for these Members.
Support Firefighter (SF): A fire fighter whose remains highly
active in the emergency response operations of the Department, yet has
some type of duty limitation due perhaps to a physical condition or
personal choice. Many important emergency scene operations are able to
be fulfilled by support firefighters, therefore while the training
requirements are not as intense as those for Attack Firefighters, they
do require a high degree of training.
Apparatus Operator (AO): A Member whose responsibility is to
ensure the safe arrival and operation of the Departments emergency
vehicles at the incident scene. The critical role performed by
AO requires training and competency, however these Members are not
required to complete, nor maintain the levels of training as a
Firefighter unless they desire dual "certification".
Fire Police Officer (FPO): A Fire Police Officer provides
traffic, scene and crowd control in support of Department operations.
They must physically able to safely perform these tasks. Specific
training requirements exist in order for these members to safety,
efficiently and legally perform their important role.
Support Group Member (SG): A member not certified as
emergency responders yet still provide support or administrative
duties. Duties include: providing rehabilitation support for
firefighting forces during major incidents, supplying morale and
welfare support at Department functions, general support of Department
operations and activities.
Click here to open a printable application (.pdf) to join the Hudson Falls Fire Department.
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Applications can also be picked up Tuesday nights (6:30-7:30pm) at the Fire Station:
220 Main St. Hudson Falls, NY 12839